01 July 2007

when i wake up, i take photos of myself. is this what happens when you live by yourself? he he...

jennifer and mason are on their way to pick my carless self up give or take Jennifers' lateness factor. ;) we are going to Cricket Cafe for some morning food (i'm tired of calling it breakfast - the word itself doesn't make any sense to me). i'm hoping to catch up with Jen after that to go on a bike ride and find out how HER DATE went! yay! and then alex and lindsay are puddifying dinner up for me tonight. wha? its A-nother gorgeous day here in P-town. i wish i could capture its beauty in a bottle, like a firefly. xo.

1 comment:

Zone8 Knitter said...

You are breaking your night fast= Breakfast

We are off to view some houses (to own)! Wish us luck!