14 June 2007

this photo was taken in Pioneer Square this AM. each morning i cut thru the square to get to work. i had to stop today to smell the sunflowers. they don't smell, i know this. continue on reading my friends. i am absolutely astonished by your comments regarding my 4 questions to each of you. especially question #3. xo


Anonymous said...

Attention whore.


Now smile -- that was meant to be funny!

natalie said...

i laughed out loud.

believe me, you get enough of it from your sticks to you like glue hubby!

now, that's some funny sh&t.


natalie said...

i heard you driving around in a V-A-N. you turning into a mommy yet. muahahahahamauhahaha. remember. don't surprise me with the news. give me a heads' up that you are entertaining the thought(s). deal?

Anonymous said...

If you want to write better, I would suggest that you write formally on your blog . . . at least, some of the time. That means starting sentences with capital letters and not using contractions.

Tip on semi-colon use:

If Subject = S, and Verb = V, and X = whatever else in the sentence, then . . .

SVX; transition word, SVX.

My spouse and I are going to eat dinner at home tonight; however, if he gets home early, we might go out to eat.


Anonymous said...

Para su amiga:

Mi esposo y yo vamos a comer en el país esta noche; sin embargo, si él viene a casa temprano, entonces puede ser que salgamos.


Anonymous said...

And do not start sentences with "that" like I just did. And yes, we did ride around in the hoopty-wagon, pimpin' round town.

The K-k-kia has some power -- surprisingly so.


natalie said...

cha, cha, chA chea. he he.

i have added your little piece of advice to the top righthand corner of my blog.


natalie said...

and like my friend tina, she provides me with 101's all day long on staying cool at 33!

i'd love it if you would end your comments with a daily 101 writing tidbit of the day.

Anonymous said...

Favorite Word - Someone other then me saying "dinner is ready"
Weakness - chocolate cake, colorful fat quarters, smiles
Favorite blog - are there other blogs? Silly your my favorite
New Things - Learning to play new music pieces on my piano, catching the unexpected with my camera and hiking a new trail.

natalie said...


go to page 42 adobe, page 36 in actual document. the work described under BNCT research is what i worked on back in 1993-1995. music to my ears is hearing 'the preparation of ruthenium dimers [(arene)RuCl2]2'