the day the earth stood still. just imagine me and four other co-workers at that venue across the river (yes, i know the name of it) and sitting there feeling like you were at a political convention. dry, mundane, dull are the only words i can think to describe the setting. what kept us from complete self destruction were what some of the key speakers had to say, especially that of r. giuliani and c. powell. what i walked away with - i would want to see myself as my father would. and to look forward. don't look back. and how c. powell butts heads with g. bush at the very mention of his name. the joke (and i don't do a great job re-telling them), powell goes on to tell us of a time when bush looked into the eyes of puten and told powell he could see into his soul. powell was like what? eh? and responded with, when i look into his eyes i still see the KGB. click here for another take on the day - giuliani's six things to becoming an effective leader. 1) what are your beliefs/goals? 2) you have to be optimistic 3) problem-solver 4) courage 4) relentless preparation 5) team work, you CAN NOT achieve anything without the help from others 6) have to communicate. get what you want said out of your head by verbalizing it. and last but not least, you have to really love (care) about people. i guess, i can relate to him. i have this overwhelming desire to make people happy.
Sounds like your conference or workshop was cool -- great speakers. Were they interesting? The sun is casting a golden glow on the trees around the square -- when I drove home last night from the grocery store, the setting sun made everything sparkle. We've been eating lunches outside under an umbrella at work. Okay, off to the courthouse.
yes, it was very interesting - the last hour and half that is. :) its beautiful here too!
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