17 November 2010

Rambling on about...

I'm trying to get that precious "it" factor down so I'm happy to announce that I'm knitting again. Finally! Sounds geeky but what the h#ll. I put up a holiday decoration and felt okay with it last night too. And thank you sis for sending me a photo (now two photos) of your little one today. R. will certainly receive a knitted sweater from me here soon. On my mind lately is that I wish I could just whisk Steven away to a far, away place and vacation there for an entire month. I know our Seattle trip is coming up but still... waiting is for the birds. How about we then mosey on over to my mom and papa's house and then skimmy our way over to Iceland for a quick bath outdoors and then further north and stay at the Ice hotel. hehe. Yes, I forgot to take my crazy pills this morning, haven't you noticed? But to be honest all of these things will be possible a few years down the road. I'm working towards a debt free life and with that comes the ability to do more. (If I can give any shread of advice is not to rack up on credit card debt; you're listening to this right Rami and Jasmine). Not that what I have right now is not enough. I just want more. Isn't that the all American dream?

Today's recommendation: Start a blog. I wrote under the about me section "I started this blog back in November, 2005 as a way for my mom to know what I was up to having moved so far, far away. I booked a one way ticket to Portland, Oregon leaving (from Atlanta, Georgia) everything behind, a broken heart (to include me abandoning a vehicle on the side of the road, hey, it wasn't mine, to saying good bye to a funny dud of a landlord who took me out for what felt like my last drink in Atlanta), my family (they must have been thinking, our daughter has finally lost it, hehe) and all my belongings (well, everything except what I was able to pack into a single luggage bag). I woke up in a hotel room and that was that. I figured why not just start documenting it all. So here I am and still going strong."

Coming up: Lunch with Jen and some more photos from yours truly.

Something new to me: Steven introduced me to Google Sketchup. Neat!

Comic for the day:


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Ramble on... ramble on. This is good stuff. I had no idea about your daring move, and the inspirations for blogging. So, what have you got on the needles?

natalie said...

I think one of these days Natalie, it would be awesome to hang out with you over coffee. hehe...

My Soul Can Dance said...

yes yes...i want to make a daring move too!!....and i will!!