18 August 2010

frecklemonster...i forgive you. xo xo. Muah!


Anonymous said...

What, no pictures? Free your pictures from Facebook. Liberate them. Share them with the world at large.

Facebook gives me the heeby-jeebies.

Isn't that a funny word? Is it even a word? Heeby-jeebies. Say it outloud. It might make you smile.


natalie said...

Sorry to have disappointed you with a photoless entry. Well, well, now that you mention Facebook, oohhhh, did you even type that...but its not as heeby-jeebies as you think. It's a place where I actually can see what R and J are doing on a daily basis since they are just as bad as keeping in touch with emails, phone calls. hehe. Knowing that we don't keep in touch more often gives me teh heeby-jeebies. Say hotdog! outloud with me. HOTDOG! I'll make sure to make you proud in my next post here on the Natalie blogosphere! xo xo xo P.S. and dude giving you access to mine - is there like a cool, thank you coming out of you.