23 February 2009

We cleaned up things, tidied up things and almost went batty with it all! Cleaning is for the birds just like work is and doing laundry, hehe! But enough about that already. If there was one place you could go visit right now in Oregon where would that be?


mm said...

Since the Lascaux Cave is closed to the public, a replica has been created at Montignac, 200 metres from the original cave, where two of the galleries have been reproduced: the Great Hall of the Bulls and the Painted Gallery.

You and Steven should fly to Bergerac France and take the train or drive to Lascaux II. Ste. can put his picture against the replica.

Anonymous said...

One place in Oregon? Hmm . . . probably to the hotspring on the road out to Klamath Falls (I think that is where it is). I don't know. That's a hard one. Maybe out to the lava fields . . . there is a nice hike to some waterfalls. Maybe to Sisters? Nothing really popped out in my head other than the backyard of our house in Eugene.


natalie said...

thx freckles... but that is all that popped out of your head of this beautiful state? you had a really nice spot there in Eugene.
