01 August 2007

wha? august 1st already. wha?

~me a year ago minus the additional freckle what do you want to complete/finish by the end of the year? and to these beautiful and verdant recesses, running through and softening the rugged mountains of Oregon, it will be here cheering the wayworn traveller in a weeks time. and i asked kristina this morning 'give me a great idea for today’s blog entry and if you choose to assist me and i will hold your hand on our way home from work today. ALL the way.' her reply 'ideas for a scavenger hunt in the city…items to look for...then lets do it!!!'


Anonymous said...

I would like to have an organized house/life by the end of the year. Actually, I would like to have it much sooner, but I know my self well enough NOT to expect too much. Chaos in my world is making me crazy and dysfunctional. I need the peace and calm that come with order. This is my one big project right now.
- csm

Anonymous said...

a novel


natalie said...

hl. you have succumb to lowercase. wha has happened to you? he he. a novel. that is mighty lofty of you. i want to get completely snowboard equipped and hit the slopes early this year. that is my end of the year goal. and start a portfolio of my photography. maybe one day, you could narrate my photos. writing is not my fortay. i wish it was but it is NOT. and i've accepted this disorder of mine. i hope all is well on the great GOAT farm!

why gone for so long?

Anonymous said...

By the end of the year I hope to be on my way to losing atleast 40 pounds,which would make my me very happy. I hope to be in a better place emotionally by the end of the year. I have been on a crazy roller coaster lately and I am ready to get off!


Anonymous said...

We've decided not to get goats, especially since our neighbor said we can always milk his in the summer. We have a freezer full of goat milk, so I think the arrangement will work out perfectly (also, no goats = no fences, no feed, and the ability to leave for extended periods of time without worrying about the little goaties).

You should poke through our snowboard stuff collection.


natalie said...

what do you have that is snowboard natty workable?