01 August 2007

1: a photo of a coworkers parents 60 plus years ago and still in love. 2: me wishing for that or at least for how many years i can breath this air


j said...

Going on 10 years.. we got married sooo young. Our parents all against it. We had nothing monetary to offer each other. He had just finished Masters, me a Bachelors. We owned nothing. Ages 21 and 23. But I was CRAZY about him and him me. I still am. My advice for you. Every girl deserves to have a guy that is crazy about her and that she is also crazy about. It still takes work. But that little something that makes you feel that head up in the clouds kind of feeling that can't be explained. It makes it all easier.

Anonymous said...

My in-laws have been married for around 54 years. I haven't even been married for 5 and I have no clue how they have made it. It does take alot of work!! I think people now a days take marriage too lightly. They go in thinking oh well if it doesn't work out there is always divorce. I always say "Divorce is not an option but murder is".

Anonymous said...

Grammar nazi:

A LOT is two words.

I do agree that marriage takes work, but it is certainly worth the effort.

Anonymous said...

I love seeing my parents on your blog. I really have been blessed to have their marriage as an example. Early on they suffered a tragedy with the loss of their first child. No one knew what to say, so no one said anything. It was as if they were going through it alone. That, they say, bonded them together from the beginning. They continue to be each others' rock and best friend. And yes, they are still hopelessly in love.