malinger means to feign illness or other incapacity in order to avoid duty or work. TODAY, is a perfect day for doing just that. boy do i wish! i just returned from a leisurely walk to drop of my library books and its so sick outside... beautifully sick!
Sick is not a very mellifluous word. It connotes illness, plague, disaster . . . not sunny skies and puffy clouds. So the weather is lovely, is calming, is fair. Bonny weather we're having lass.
does it help that i knew that saying 'sick' would get a rise out of you?
and mellifluous. please define for me...
4. sick
An adjective similar to cool referring to something that is either great or completely wrong.
1. Your awesome new skateboard is sick!
2. What you said to her was just plain sick.
5. sick
something a lot of people are using to describe something in a positive manner.
person 1: OMG Jack is sick
Me: Why, what's wrong with him?
person 1: *gives strange look*
6. sick
Interesting, cool, new.
That rave was sick.
7. sick
Cool or entertaining to a nausieating degree.
seth morrison's backflips off 40 footers are sick
suggested alternatives: excellent, super duper
"Sick" - from a conventional dictionary
(1) : affected with disease or ill health : AILING
(2) a : of, relating to, or intended for use in sickness
(2) c : undergoing menstruation
(2) d : spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt
(3) a : sickened by strong emotion
(3) b : having a strong distaste from surfeit : SATIATED
(3) c : filled with disgust or chagrin
(3) d : depressed and longing for something
(4) a : mentally or emotionally unsound or disordered : MORBID
(4) b : highly distasteful : MACABRE, SADISTIC
(5) : lacking vigor : SICKLY: as (5) a : badly outclassed
(5) b : incapable of producing profitable yields of a crop
Half of all bloggers are under the age of 30. OMG.
1 : having a smooth rich flow
and the rest are 33!!!! mahahahamuhahahahahamuahhhaha!
bring it ON HL. definition schwinition. throw it all into a pot and stir. ;)
i screwed up the following spelling as well last week.
a. Of or relating to a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.
b. Being a member of a particular ethnic group, especially belonging to a national group by heritage or culture but residing outside its national boundaries: ethnic Hungarians living in northern Serbia.
c. Of, relating to, or distinctive of members of such a group: ethnic restaurants; ethnic art.
2. Relating to a people not Christian or Jewish; heathen.
a. A set of principles of right conduct.
b. A theory or a system of moral values: "An ethic of service is at war with a craving for gain" Gregg Easterbrook.
2. ethics (used with a sing. verb) The study of the general nature of morals and of the specific moral choices to be made by a person; moral philosophy.
3. ethics (used with a sing. or pl. verb) The rules or standards governing the conduct of a person or the members of a profession: medical ethics.
Malingering is slightly better than Munchausen, which is much better than the despicable Munchausen by Proxy...
by the way, the ethics/effics thing in the Daily Show is some funny sh&t right there.
ummmmm... i'm glad i don't have MbyP. phew!
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