25 February 2007

i see only black|noir

another hat finished and wow!!!! can jen cook up something delicious. i worked from about 1 till 5ish today and used Jen's bus pass to get me to her place right as the oscars started. who needs boys when you can eat a jen made dinner of spagetti mixed with thyme, red peppers, tomatoes, garlic, onions and sausage from PastaWorks. top it off with fresh parmesan cheese with some slices of marechal cheese and one word: divine! so, long story short, the movie, the Departed got most of the awards as well as a little bit of a nasty comment about the producer or was it director 'and first movie to have a plot.' eh? aside from that, i'm glad my favorite, pans labyrinth, was honored with a few awards this evening. and i noticed this evening that i see alot of myself in Jen as well as in Kori. we are different in so many ways but at the same time, the more i hang out with them, the more i understand why i love them so much! so the plan is to rotate each month which apartment to have dinner at. March is my month. and JEN, remember to give me that design for those earrings you want! i'm putting another order in this week. no pattern was followed when making this hat. i just went with it:


Anonymous said...

Did you know that almost everything has corn in it? I gave up corn for lent, and I'm finding that it is quite challenging to avoid it . . . it's in organic sour cream (corn starch), pretzels (high fructose corn syrup), jam (HFCS), dressing, chocolate . . . virtually everything processed.

Want to read a good book? Read Omnivore's Dilemma.


natalie said...

I need to read more. Eureka! THAT is what is missing in my life. ;)

And yep, I can imagine! Most products have something other than what you least expect it in them!

I am waiting for approval on my apartment. I can't wait to move. This Saturday!

Kisses and Hugs

natalie said...

Buy me book and mail to my new address!!!!

Email me for snail mail address