16 July 2006

my cousin is out of the office...

sehr geehrte kolleginnen und kollegen,

ich werde am mittwoch 19.07. wieder im büro sein. in dringenden fällen bin ich unter folgender handynummer zu erreichen: 0040-XXXXXXXX7. emails werden gelesen.

christian w.

i wasn't impressed with the artwork splattered here and there along the w-esplanade. a bunch of dummies with blow torches for heads as a (real) person holds a steering wheel driving a long steel rod from it with 4-6 hotdogs on its end -- of course, cooking them over the blow torched dummies. it just didn't do it for me. ;) how about (2) pieces of ceramic sculptures in the shape of factories oozing pollutants with the description: i want to place and spread my work all along the willamette. what a waste? this isn't artwork to me but again, what do i know, this is all coming from a person wanting to see the beauty in everything i do. the fire in me roasts eternal positivism that judges noone and nothing...okay, i'm off to find a chocolate croissant. one of my many weaknesses in life. tot ziens!

1 comment:

Zone8 Knitter said...

Sorry I haven't called in awhile. I have been busy with work- I had a wine tasting Saturday at the zoo. Maybe next weekend we can get together for a bit.
Give me a call this week.