06 January 2011

so far this year

and folks we are working ONLY on Day 6 of two thousand and eleven. Six days in which I ate chinese on the first of the new year (yum), scored a new SLR (and no, I'm not telling ya which one until I get the little beauty in my hands, first week in Feb. Will come with 2 beautiful lens and a sweet camera bag), trying to figure out when to visit the ATL, Steven is up to his ears in stocks, etc. and work, I had to have an infected sebaceous cyst removed off of my back - as you know this happened to me about 3 years ago and well, its not a pretty recovery. No one should ever have to undergo such pain during the healing process. Ugh! I have to go back to have the gauze redressed for another 4 to 5 times over the next week. And what else, oh yeah, I have a cold. It's only thursday, Day 6 of the new year! I'm hiding out this weekend. Don't try to find me please. Keepin' positive, on the up and up people! xo

1 comment:

Glenys Nellist said...

Hope you're feeling better now Natty!