23 January 2011


I'm hoping for a better week than last week. I'm doing the best I can but it always seems to not be good enough. I so cannot stress out about it. C'est la vie. The weekend turned out super great which consisted of fun with friends, woke up and danced to sunshine on Saturday, loved listening to this song, bought groceries via a list (something we should do more often), watched the first episode of Portlandia (LOVE this show and on a side note has anyone ever noticed my blog name?) and the movie Bug (which went from boring/crazy to insanely crazy at the very end). Right now, we're taking it easy. Steven is out for the count with a cold and I'm thinking of how good dinner will be having acquired some Bread Stop stuffing. One of our friends at church delivers bread for them and gives a lot of it away. Lucky for us~


Anonymous said...

I roast a whole chicken for the first time, and though the initial result was unimpressively plain, I turned the leftovers into a delicious chicken curry dish that was suggested in The Week.


Eating that tonight with wilted swiss chard. I make myself by a new vegetable every time I go to EarthFare, and this week is swiss chard. I'm going to cook it with fresh ginger and garlic.

I can't wait to eat!


natalie said...

YUM is right. Sounds DElicious what you've been up to in the kitchen.

I've been on a 2-day House of Louie (chinese) kick. Even though we went to the grocery store --- I know, very bad of me. :)

I'm pretty wiped out. My work does that to me.

Both Steven and I zonked out last night, trying to sleep off colds and couldn't even get to playing a ps3 game - LittleBIG Planet.

Tonight I hope we get to checking it out.

Much love,