Where did the weekend go? I sound like such a broken record. All in all, it was an amazing weekend. We did so many things such as visit the Art Museum, bbq'd, watched some episodes of Season 4 It's always sunny, had the best panini and mocha at Floyd's, swinged a few golf balls somewhere in Beaverton at the driving range, dined at Outback on a friends' gift certificate and stuffed ourselves bloomin', cooked with a lot of vegetables from the local community garden and discovered what a patty pan is! It's a summer squash and it was DElicious.
We're obsessed with Battlestar Galactica. We watch episodes every night. Very addictive. And Apollo is easy on the eyes. I've got some squash I need to cook up for Sprout.
Interesting...I use to watch Buck Rogers. Do you remember that show? Lately, I've been on this kick of watching the same movie over and over, like X-men, or 27 Dresses or the TV series Intervention. Yikes. I do want to see Resident Evil afterlife. Ummmm, other than that the patty pans were DElicious. What's the little Sprout up too. I heard he claps his hands now. Send MORE photos. xo
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