22 September 2009

Met the cowboys, Steven and his brother, Daniel on the waterfront after work this evening. What a beautiful walk home. We stopped to see the new Saturday market location - water fountains included - stopping in the Monkey and the Rat store and then poked our heads thru the gates of the Chinese Gardens for a glimpse of its rare sanctuary. The rest of the walk was lit up by a beautiful reddish hue off of the Northwest hills. I love Portland. Yes, I do.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice description of your walk home. It was a pretty afternoon and evening here too -- the rain finally disappeared and was replaced with blue skies punctuated by puffy cumulus clouds. Because of the rains, the grass was particularly green and everything looked clean and refreshed. I love our drive home: the farm houses, ranging horses, dirt drives leading to kitchen gardens.

Plus, we ate broiled lamb with a baguette, triple cream cheese, turkish olives, organic red grapes and an organic nectarine! Mmm . . . delicious!

Freckle foodie