27 April 2009

My Mom and Papa are coming for a visit starting May 30!!! :)


Anonymous said...

The challenge is thinking of new places they haven't been to already! It is amazing how much they crammed into their previous visits: sternwheeler sunset cruise on Columbia, Cannon Beach/Cheese Factory scenic loop, Crater Lake, Seattle, Portland, Eugene, Corvallis, Cupertino, San Francisco, Sisters . . . good grief!

What about going out to Spokane and Missoula, MT, through Coeur-de-Lane, Idaho? Or to Yosemite and Beartooth Pass? Ooh, the Steens are nice and the Snake River (Hell's Canyon?) . . . and the Wallowa Mountains ("Oregon Alps") with the Wallowa Lake Tramway.

So many fun things to do!


natalie said...

I know. I know. Dudette. When I found out this AM my mind went into overdrive. If anything, it will nice to be with them seeing that some time has passed by.

Hmmmm... looks like I'll be hibernating until their arrival. I need to plan, plan PLAN!

I've been to all those places except for Cupertino. SO, whatever we do, it will all be new things to see.

xo ox

freckled time stand still!