18 November 2008

I've been a complete handful the last four or so days. My hormones are on over drive and I just want to sleep in for once. I am hoping to 'be' with 'the' camera again this weekend! Somehow too, I am unable to download photos onto my computer taken with my cellphone anymore. Here's too it being almost December - the birthday and holiday month! xo

Update: I fixed the cellphone download photo problem. Always check back. I've put a link to the right of the screen for you as well.


Orange Pattern said...

Um, why are your hormones on overdrive? I'm curious...

Also, bummer about the technical difficulties. I so feel ya...

Hooray for almost December!

natalie said...

uuhhhhh...not pregnant or anything like that. just having a few not so fun days. i feel much better now. and girl, check out www.tumblr.com - just text photos to a weblink. the coolest thing EVER! xo