28 August 2008

back in the day when we were cave people

I didn't check the mail for a while and of course it would happen that tucked away underneath the bills and some new magazines a postcard was just waiting to be seen/read. The postcard was from Daniel, Steven's brother. We left him with a few blank postcards in hopes of receiving in the mail a painted masterpiece. Well guess what, he delivered. It was a beautiful cave painting in Lascaux, France of a bull. He painted it himself. I loved it and it now sits on a shelf in the living room. I find myself now wanting to create something. I must knit something. A few hats here and there and maybe, finally, challenge myself to knit me up a sweater. Soon, the days will be here where I'll be snowboarding and knitting again! Yay! There is also a fish tank to be purchased in the near future. Watching some tropical fish swim around in their tank would be a great distraction whenever my hands need a break from knitting. Oh and mom, I noticed you had 1 entry on some site that is able to look up your roots/ancestry. Were you able to find anyting? Curious is me. I'm sooooo looking forward to having dinner tomorrow night at Saucebox. I have a 2 for 1 entree coupon I plan to sooooooo use. It's time to get sauced baby! Below is a painting Daniel did a few months back and is now hanging in the Kalamazoo Art Center.


Anonymous said...

Post cards are fun. Send me your address again so I can send you something I came across the other day. I'm reaching the end of my day . . . hi ho, hi ho!


theCrazy said...

We need to post a photo of Dan's painting

I will have to paint something to send back now and if we buy some more postcards we can make some and send them to your family too YAY!!! :)

The bull reminds me of a Buffalo which reminds me of hot wings and I want hot wings Muahahahahahaha

natalie said...

he he! xo ox