23 April 2008

there'd be days like these~

mostly [these days] i have been observing, absorbing and wanting! wanting! wanting!~ to find a project to work on. an art project, a photo contest or to just stop being so jealous of how many comments my favorite blogsites get in a day. i hope i pick myself up soon! OR is it when you are so busy you just don't have the time to update your blog as one would want to? i feel like i need a little push in the right direction? if you could give me an idea/theme/list of what my next photo project should be, drop me a comment and tell me so.

comcast is sucking my bank account dry. why does internet service have to cost so much?

my visit to the dentist was O SO entertaining and scrumptiously satisfying. i know… crazy to say but the gal who worked on removing my coffee/wine stains talked about how she and her husband are now taking care of her brother-in-laws two children because the father is now in prison. how she told the story was entertaining: the content, not so much. and i had a nightmare last night. something that doesn't happen to me very often. the image was so vivid and it scared the hell out of me. in the dream, steven and i were in the back of Marguerite's mercedes when all of a sudden a trimet bus blocks us on Burnside road. two guys with machine guns then proceed to fire on us. it was a very strange sensation waking up from my nightmare. i could still feel myself dying.

did you know that 75% of all children in the United States have not touched the sandy beaches of the Pacific Ocean.

to steven: you might be the coolest boy ever! can i carry you around in my pocket!

thanks friend for saying 'pouty pout. maybe because she is doing something similar to what you want to do…so i think you should do it!!! you could formulate a 5 year goal plan on paper – sounds dumb, but my boyfriend and i do this because it makes it seem more “real” and attainable? all i can say is, i used to be too scared to figure out what i really wanted and never thought i’d be in... it could be in a year you will be doing freelance photography for a company? here is a good quote: start where you are, use what you have, and do what you can. [great advice on my pouty attitude for why i'm not doing more of what i love these days: becoming a photographer]

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