22 February 2008

Natalie 2.0

hobo's is our new hangout spot. we just might become regulars.

i'd love to hear from you. a little something. leave a comment on life or a link or just a little love. the weather here in Portland is so springy like. i hope to check back here to find comments galore. xoxoxo "some people call me the space cowboy, yay, some call me the ganster of love..." sing with me and words for the day that i've come in contact with are lox with cream cheese, the 12 hour marathon nap (last night), munchkin love, daffodils, my tulips drooping, 20 cents left on my starbucks card, hacky sack, that eclispe high in the sky, jello factory, calamari lovin', octopus kisses, chicken kiev (try it), i am NOT a traitor, -O, my mom LOVED her package from me, and we are hiking with Matilda and Jeffrey in the AM!~ and one last thing listen to the song clair de lune by debussy -- its fantastic. xo

p.s. and no, i haven't seen 'one' yet.


Anonymous said...

"Once" not "One." And "Waitress."

What is Hobos? What is it like?

theCrazy said...

Hobos is the best!!!

It is a bar that serves the best calmari EVER!! Also they play really chilled out music and the atmosphere is relaxed.
Considering that this place is very relaxed and the people are friendly and they play good music I am tempted to think it is a gay bar or a gay hang out at least but who cares it's a great place and at least Its safe from the orange people!!

natalie said...

"The three commitments of a sannyasin were—and still are—to meditate daily; to wear the mala; and to wear clothes only in the colour of the sun. Because of this last vow, sannyasins were known as the Orange People, and after my mother took sannyas, everyone who came round to sit on the beanbags in our living room wore orange: orange dungarees, orange drawstring trousers, orange sandals, orange robes. By this point there were so many sannyasins in Leeds that the Woolworths on the high street was permanently sold out of orange dye. Despite the shortage, my mother got hold of some. She dyed all her clothes in the bath, then hung them by the fire to dry—to my delight, they left permanent orange stains on the fireguards—and she and her new friends began to hold meetings in our living room, from some of which I was carefully excluded. She put photos of Bhagwan up all over the house, including one on the slanted wall above my bed."

and this is a little something i discovered about the Orange People.

"Sannyasins wanted us to let go. They kept telling us: Let Go! It's that simple! But all we had ever done was let go: of our past; of our parents; of our Lego."

i say Lego my Eggo! he he

theCrazy said...

WHA... you have looked but not seen!!! he he

The orange people I speak of are not the people mentioned above no no. The people you were talking about I have no problem with but the orange people I speak of are i believe some form of parasite dating all the way back to the early 1980's he he

Orange people defined:

Phase one, creation:
The man or women goes to the tanner until their skin turns orange. During this process their brains shrink including but not limited to vocabulary. Once this occurs there is no going back an orange person has been born!

Phase two, The plot:
These people then driven insane by the tanning lights fly from their nest almost like Japanese hornets. They then find a bar which seems like it may be inhabited by fairly intelligent people and then they leave their tacky pheromone to attract other orange people. It doesn't take long in some cases only a week and then...

Phase three, The take over:
Now the most shocking part. You go out friday night to your favorite bar and what do you find ORANGE PEOPLE everywhere. Guys who are way too macho, girls who are way too easy all around you swooping and screeching and sweating locked into their bizarre mating rituals!!! You try to open your mouth to order a drink but the noise is overwhelming and then you realize the bar has stopped serving real beer there is only a choice between Budweiser or Bud lite, neither of which can get you drunk how is this possible how did it happen...AHHH... GET ME THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!! you scream but no one hears your cries and the orange people claim another victim and another bar...

If you would like more information on Orange people or you suspect Orange people are infecting your area then please feel free to contact me at The Orange People Research Institute (O.P.R.I).

"Together we can make a difference, together we can take back what has been lost"-President of O.P.R.I Steven Nellist

natalie said...

***me giggles softly inside*** good one Nellist. this is WHY i love comments, commenting, commentS!

yes, these orange people you speak of are quite common down in the southern states where i have had many a close encounters. i even worked with one (place not to be mentioned) and after a visit many years later i walked into this establishment and didn't even recognize her. she had stopped tanning and the consequent results were a withered away pasty white and so many wrinkles she looked like one of those UGA dogs.

anyways, i'm glad i don't associate with Orange People.

theCrazy said...

Yes the damaging long term effects of being an orange person are still not fully understood by the scientific community however, we do know that Orange people are a sub species of the genealogy known as "pseudo intellectuals," a very fasinating group do infact make up the majority of the eligible voters in this country.

Brewcaster said...

Yes, Hobo's is a gay bar. But it is a great place for us straight folk as well. Wish it was in a better part of town though. China Town is starting to get really creepy to me.