self portrait project Day 3: cross-eyed and ready for a new camera...and the downtown Macy's does not carry window curtains. wha!

December. here it is. Day 4 of 31. so many countdowns to be had. 20 days till Christmas. 2 days till my birthday. 12 days till my boyfriend arrives. 4 days till i snowboard again. 3 days till i get paid again (i've got $20.53 cents to my name), 3 days till my little sinterklaas b-bash and the countdowns go on and on and on. what i can not predict is when i will receive my next text message from Steven or when a few
authors to my favorite blogs will next update their sites or why an office full of wonderful people can get on each others nerves faster than you can say natty's revolution is Sooooooo beginning to unfurl (thanks be to a used stick of butter, a single green bean, a pencil eraser and one potato chip - all floating in a bucket of god-knows-what dripple. i shudder. BUT that bucket will vanish for the LOVE OF ALL THAT IS sacred: my stomach). AND of course today is going to be a good day AND of course i'm contemplating on should i spend money now on a new camera or should i wait till the first of the year. on my Wish list this year for Christmas is the following:
1. snowboarding boots and pants
2. a nano iPod
3. a new camera
4. that velvet touch skin lotion product
the Rain subsided today and eventhough the news (CNN) clamors on and on about the floods in Oregon things are pretty dry in P-town. so again, my birthday is fastly approaching (Thursday). i will be turning 34 years old. 34! thirty four! the years are getting better with age. is it wisdom? heck no! its called finally loving myself! everything else just fits itself into place on its own. before the Holiday hustle and bustle i am hoping that all (my delightful readers) will leave a comment or two and tell me how things are going with you? today's theme: Traffic Light. red light, green light, Go, Go! now Stop!

My b-day is December 13th and I will be the big 35! I am having a girl's night out on the 15th. It is much needed. My Mom suffered a massive stroke about a month ago. It has been a very emotional and stressful time. She is coming home this Saturday and I am so happy! She still has a long way to go but I am so grateful she is here. Remember to tell those people you love how much they mean to you. You never know what tomorrow might bring.
what a strange word. tarradiddle \tair-uh-DID-uhl\, a noun meaning a petty falsehood; a fib or pretentious nonsense. used in a sentence, oh please! even in the parallel universe, tarradiddles of this magnitude cannot go unchallenged.
to TT, i am glad to hear your mother is doing TONS better. and i DO tell everyone, i pretty much soak them with it, that i love them all so very very much. its the only way i know how to love.
who do you know that taradiddles? he he. Marguerita and I are going to have The Portobello Mushroom Six Dollar Burger at Carl's Jr for LUNCH!
Ok to comment as you so kindly requested and who could deny you your b-day wish... things are well. There will always be Christmas drama as long as I am dating a man that is just as busy and intense as me. The what, where, and when of holidays just won't equal calm... but oh well he is who he is and I love him despite his faults.
I will say though I am stuck on Christmas gifts… I am not going to get him something big this year and he buys himself everything he wants… so question of the day…
What do I get him that is under $50.00?
All in all everything is well and I am geared up for snowboarding on the 11th (and 15th with a little holiday bash to follow).
Okay okay, I get the drift...I need to update my blog. Starting tomorrow of course :) Happy 34th to you my friend, now don't you just feel so much better about being older and a little more sophisticated? love ya
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