i woke up this morning to the sounds of runners. this photo was taken at approximately 7:30 this morning. i took the photo and then went back to bed. now, i'm up, its around 9:00 and i'm about to head out to meet up with
Jenn and run the last 4 miles of this marathon. i am crazy but not as crazy as you would think.
wHaT's WiTh ThE eMpTy PoTs?
PlAnT yOu SoMe HeRbS.
What about them pots? Girl. Get some dirt and plant something.
they are empty for a reason...
WhAt ReAsOn?
i have no reason? hey! that's why they are empty. (who is sa. and then maybe i'll make some sense here)
What herbs are being planned before winter sets in and hibernation coming soon?
are there such herbs that could last thru the winter season? hmmmmm???
cHiVeS rOsEmArY lAvEnDaR
yOu NeVeR kNoW uNlEsS yOu TrY
you and your upper and lower case letters! he he... i think i will just grow some plants indoors. its getting way too cold outside.
and call me lazy, whole foods has herbs when i them.
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