30 August 2007


tomorrow is Friday and yours truly will be taking an early cruise. click here for path of the cruise. what are your plans for the Labor Day weekend?

things about natalie (me):

1. i don't like warm weather. 73 and under is more my style. humidity is for the birds, just like getting up in the mornings are too!
2. i like to eat my nacho chips with ranch dressing: peppercorn ranch if its available.
3. the sound of marching band drums is such a nostalgic moment for me.
4. i prefer to drive a manual transmission. my dream car is a jaguar station wagon.
5. i like white (the little kind) christmas lights especially when they are dangling from a gazebo at night. i once decorated an entire gazebo in under 4 hours with 20 minutes to spare...
6. love is in my air right now... and its the kind that makes you want to scream out loud. bagha!
7. another portland art project is in progress... look out for large X's and O's all over town. i'm a spreader of love.
8. comments left on my blog make me JUMP for JOY. (seriously guys)
9. i haven't put a cent towards my camera fund. the starting $25 was also a fake.

what nine things can you come up with about yourself?


Amanda P. said...

HI! I thought I would mirror some of your list with my own preferences.

1. I love hot weather! Especially when I'm on a beach with a fruit drink in my hand!
2. I love movie theatre nachos.. they are my fav!
3. I love High School Friday Night Football games, they bring back fun memories from growing up!
4. I prefer automatic cars. My dream car is a volvo stationwagon... never thought I'd say that!
5. I love the old fashion big Christmas lights, especially on my tree.
6. I've had love for 10 years, with ups and downs, but I'm truly happy it's in the air for you! Congrats to you both!
7. Sorry, no portland projects going on in Argyle, Texas. :)
8. I don't have a blog, but I love reading yours and commenting every once and a while!
9.I'm putting money together for a trip to Vegas with my husband for his 30th birthday... shhh... it's a surprise!

Anonymous said...

hmm . . .

1. I love when thunderstorms rattle the windows and cause the whole house to vibrate.
2. I like junior mints. Yum.
3. I love watching marching bands . . . and for some reason, I always get tears in my eyes when I see the kids because I'm so proud of them.
4. I like mass transit, but there's nothing like seeing the scenery change while on a roadtrip.
5. I like staring up into a tree glittering with lights. I like the smell of mom's carrot/raisen muffins.
6. Love has been a constant all my life -- thanks family -- but romantic love for a lucky and lovely seven.
7. Another Saturday market in the small town, and in a couple of weeks, we'll be having a party at our house. I like hosting parties.
8. Glad you like comments. I like reading. And movies.
9. I really like taking pictures too.


natalie said...

here's another 9 from me:
1. the kind of weather i like is when you can wear at least a long sleeve shirt and scarf outside free of goosebumps.
2. i love movie theater popcorn. hold the butter.
3. i was in the high school marching band for a good 5 years and actually never paid any attention to the games(s).
4. an audi station wagon sounds kinda tight too!
5. i love when raindrops fall on my head and you just stand outside still as ever and get all drenched its beauty.
6. i have two loves in my life. my family and SN.
7. sleeping in (saturday is just around the corner) is what i do best.
8. i like to stare at people. BUT -- i realize this is more of a problem so i am working on 'the glance'
9. i need to figure out what my next career will be... :)

Anonymous said...

1. I love sweater weather -- cool and crisp with blue sky above.
2. I love Twizzlers, not Red Vines, and Pixie Stix, and Razzles. These things remind me of carefree childhood days.
3. I can hear the roar of the crowd coming from the local high school on game nights, and it makes me have goose bumps. Sport for the love of the game -- those were the days!
4. I love going to new places, but I hate getting there. I wish I could be either I Dream of Jeannie or Bewitched and just twitch my nose or cross my arms and be there. Then I would travel and see the world.
5. Christmas lights are best enjoyed by turning off all light except the tree lights and then laying on your back underneath.
6. Love is elusive and comes in many forms. Currently mine is family far away and my fur child close at hand. Love fills me to overflowing, even the non-romantic kind. Though that is what I long for.
7. My big current project is ME. Waiting breathlessly to see what I become.
8. I have a poet's soul -- or I did at one time. I wonder where she went and if I will ever meet up with her again. In the meantime, I enjoy the music of other people's words and thoughts. There is inspiration all around.
9. I wish I didn't need money at all. I wish I didn't always hear myself saying "I can't afford" or "that costs too much." So many have so much less and are just fine. I want to stop wanting things and be happy. My quest is for contentment -- true and simple joy in where and who I am.
