


photo a: doesn't it look like something out of the start to a Star Wars movie. you know when each movie begins with nearly identical openings, 'A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....' well, i noticed something very odd on my receipt from my very first trip to Walmart in Oregon: they tell you how many items were sold. 85 for me. how many on your receipt A&L? photo b: unacceptable. the word unacceptable is one of those words that makes my skin cringe, the hair on my back crawl (gross) and i get all bent out of shape ANYTIME i hear this word. unacceptable. hrumpf. its such an unforgiving word. i want to just say i think YOU are unacceptable. i want to tell this person on the other end that has no face i went to great lengths to fill out the adult passport application correctly. i turned in my application on 13 June 2007 and it was returned to me on 01 August 2007 with the words unacceptable written all over it. i find it comical even that the person almost spelled this word incorrectly as you can see from the photo above and the N written over itself a few times. wha? oh yes, back to me telling off the person on the other end. how was i suppose to know the guy at Kinkos knew nothing about taking passport photos and that i found him to smell like a brewery at the time my photos were taken. how about me trying to find a guarantor who i've known for TWO years but is hard to come by because i know not one sole for that long here in portland. and i hate how they write on the top of the application any misrepresentation of information could lead to grounds for criminal prosecution. what about the guy taking my passport photo! can we just have him locked up already please? so the guarantor i used is unacceptable because his occupation did not match up to Canada's standards. he was a notary. hello! note to HL, i will be asking you to serve as my guarantor when i re-turn my paperwork back to Gatineau, Canada. Gatineau is probably an island off to the side of Canada where all they do is make us normal law abiding Canadian citizens living in the US in need of a new passport crazy? and then thirdly, the word unacceptable is used yet again in regards to the form of payment used in which they ask for CAN $97. did i read the credit card section wrong or something? cause it says NOTHING about IF YOU ARE LIVING in the US you need to provide CANADIAN dollars and not US dollars OR we will not convert your US money into CANADA money. photo c: self-explanatory. have a nice day!
READ ME - me a year ago minus the additional freckleand i'd like to thank:
a&l for the walmart trip and crazyness that happened afterwards
michele for the bottles and i'm hoping we can catch up soon. xo
jen for missing me.
kori for inviting out for drinks on friday
kristina for wondering. its myspace. comments = light&fluffy.
mom for sending me jasmine's trip blog but i still can't open it?
jennifer for lunch on friday
steven for loving me and...

why is the sky blue: summary
so, why is the sky blue? it is because blue light from the sun strikes the air molecules and scatters and our eyes perceive it as blue.
why is the sky blue: short summary
why is the sky blue, you ask? blue in sunlight collides with air molecules and our eyes see it as blue.
why is the sky blue: condensed
sunlight collides with air, scatters blue wavelengths.
why is the sky blue: ultra-condensed
you are seeing things. stop asking.
Why is the sky blue again?
That passport nonsense is unacceptable he he and out of the 85 items I wonder how many are left, Grr.. not the coca cola that’s for sure and hands off my apple juice woman he he.
Me not being there is unacceptable and aww… you took a photo of the flowers I kiss you xo xo xo xo xo
They could have just denied it without any word on why, I suppose, so at least they pointed you in the right direction. And under two months seems like record time for getting anything having to do with a passport. You see, your cup is half full. And I'm thinking you meant "soul" and not "sole."
HL. is it possible for you to just have some empathy for me? is it too much to ask. and why would they deny me without any word? and you see, my cup is still now half empty. he he. and yes, thanks for the word fix.
and SN... i loved that last painting. absolutely loved it. see you on Wednesday.
127 items purchased from the devil himself...aka, wal-mart. Our apple juice tastes like the blood sweat and tears of guatamalan children...Mmm...third world sweat tastes like apples....
...and also, I'd like to add, HAPPY CIVIC DAY! Canada is probably one of the only countries in the world that has an unnamed civic holiday that only 5 of 7 provinces celebrate! I wonder if your province celebrates it...which one is that again?????
Ontario! O!
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