06 June 2007

the day i ran around town. and no less, on my lunch break. i was on a mission. mission pick-up (2) oregon driver manuals from the Central Library. so i did. easy enough, right... um... not,so,much. i left the library feeling exuberant and bouncy and i'm going to kiss this tests' arse. THEN, it dawned on me or is it Dawned in me... which is it now... that today is Market Day. to my local loves, try and picture Yours Truly and the route less taken. ha ha. like the fork in the road. which one do you take? i take the one less traveled. natty needed some Cash and made a Dash from Library to the WaMu tellie in Pioneer Square. then, i jettyed on over to the South Park Blocks. i arrived. the Market. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... and i couldn't help myself. i bought some mushrooms, papaganoosh (i did that on purpose, misspelled that is), pita bread and then a yummy lamb sandwich. with my hands chock full including an umbrella (remember me mentioning my umbrella) i find a savory spot to sit down to eat. i found a bench and right before taking my first bite i noticed i was Short ONE item(s)!the oregon driver manuals!!! ugh! where did they go? i thought maybe, just maybe, i left them at the lamb sandwich stand. no success. i then was like, where in the world did i drop them at? i decided to tend to my stomach pains so i finally sat my bum down on a bench next to the shametrain #15 (trimet bus) pick,me up-drop, me off station. suddenly, time stopped. if you stop for just a second, you can see the World unravel from just about anywhere you sit down at. i saw a blue sky open up right before my eyes, a cute boy sitting next to me, a lady and some odd man talking to one another, me and my lamb sandwich wondering what is in tahini (sp?) and what grains were used. finishing the last bite of my sandwich, i knew i couldn't return back to the office WithOut the manuals (marguerite and i are taking the Test together this Friday, no ifs, ands or buts about it) i thought better of it and make my way Back, yes back, to the library for a second-go-around. i wonder if the front desk guy recognized me? maybe Not? i didn't want to really go back to work so i stopped by Nordstrom's. i browsed and did not spend a thing! i was like about 20 steps out the door when i saw a lady leaning against one of the cosmetic counters with a metallic device to her skin, right under her eye. she looked like she was bored stiff. so, i went up to her and was like what's up, you look bored. she laughed at me and then abraKaZammmmm!!! the Door to non-surgical facial rejuvenation just opened up right before my Eyes. LED (light emitting diode) photo rejuvenation is a (bare with me for a second as i plagarize here) breakthrough, non-invasive technology based on research by NASA scientists (that's you Mr. T.) this innovative treatment utilizes certain frequencies of light to promote healthier looking skin, and visibly reduce fine lines and wrinkles. DID I JUST FIND THE FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH? i jest, joke here but seriously marselle (cool lady) gave me a complimentary treatment (regularly $75 bucks) and when i looked at one eye (after) and (before) i saw the most bizzare thing: the results were stunning!!! BUT, i speculate, true, true. the treatment is said to trigger the body to convert light energy into cell energy without thermal injury to tissue to rapidly produce amazing results. like everything under the sun they disclaim that it is gentle, safe and effective light based treatment with no discomfort and no downtime. ha! NO downtime! my face, at that moment, felt like a million bucks! SO... now i'm leaving work and i look to make sure i have everything. where's my umbrella, dude? tracing back my lunch break steps, i remembered that i was trying some hair bands at Nordstrom's prior to my facial rejuvenation and remembered having placed my umbrella against the counter. SURE ENOUGH, i retraced my steps and there it was... my Umbrella. the lady at the counter was like, we were hoping you'd come back for it. sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! i'm at home now. about to study my manual. i have to answer 35 stupid questions all at the astronomical price of 5 dollars. this is the cost of what they call 'the knowledge test.' if i pass the knowledge test, i pay $54.50 to get my Oregon license. crazeey! i'm listening to music right now by blue six, silicone sould, the lushlife..., mister O, nova scotia, Gus Gus, roger sanchez... i love this stuff. xo i Want to fall into a musik trance.

NEWS to the PHOTOBOOTH Friday posse... finnegan's RIGHT across from the Central Library NOW has a PHOTOBOOTH! the same kind as in the Ace Hotel. i'm fo real here! i'm taking the Train to Seattle on Sunday to meet up with my friend Andrew. can't wait. AND i love refridgerator conversations. you know, conversation created from that - that exists on the refridgerator.


Anonymous said...

The grass is green today -- thanks to the rain that finally fell . . . we sure do need some more. I think we are in the worst dry spell in 50 years.

We've been milking goats for the last two days, so we're up to our eyebrows in goat milk. I'm going to start making cheeses this weekend, so I'll let you know how that goes. I'll likely make cheddar, tuma, and feta -- and maybe some ice cream. What flavor icecream?


natalie said...

can you believe that i don't have much of a sweet tooth. i did buy the other day some chocolate ganache. THICKness galore!

up to your eyebrows... is that a new expression. he he. layve It!

looks like rain here too. i must VO5 hot oil treatment my hair this AM and then its OFF to work i go, hi HO!


natalie said...

i like vanilla ice cream. have you decided on your next Ice Cream Flavor Sensation?

Anonymous said...

I was thinking strawberry . . . I've got lots of strawberries in the freezer that I'd like to get rid of.


natalie said...

did you pick them? and when?

Anonymous said...

No, a relative in Florida gave them to me. We've been making smoothies out of them, but I've been wanting to buy strawberries at our local farmers market and I don't have room in the freezer. Another night of goat milking ahead . . . we have a friend coming to watch.


natalie said...

goat-milking. never in a million years would i hear you saying that. xo. i eat those Luna blueberry yogurt breakfast bars every morning. Smoothies first thing in the morning make my stomach upset. i need coffee and a Luna.

tonight is the Timbuk2 event. PDX artists, buy one-of-a-kind bags, DJ L-Tran, drinks, party... MY kind o'scene! holla!