16 May 2007

i'm all signed up and ready to go. a new friend of mine, hula seventy, wrote 'sososo glad you've signed on for the postcard swap... so glad! please do send your address my way first chance you get-- i'm putting the lists together this week. looks like we'll have five different groups with about 10-12 participants each... woohoo! so, you'll be making 10-12 postcards total... all of which I'm sure will be lovely and fabulous!' woohoo! is right! positive beautiful creative energy combine! he he. i just finished, i think, the best dinner since hmmmmm, well, all i can say is fresh vegetables and spicy chicken sausage, natty (my true name is natalie, fyi) has a penchant for italian sausage. i used my very own homegrown sage this evening. i was going to eat my dinner out on the balcony but there is no much bird sh&t splattered everywhere, i decided against it. so today was a Purchase Little Things for Natty kind of day. i bought the game Scrabble and a kickity kicking shirt from it has dandylions on it. May is a HUGE birthday month of friends & family for me. this whole postcard swap has given me that umph! to get birthday cards and mail out! the last thing i want to touch up on is the fact that we are ALL different, unique, brilliant human beings. i have learned today that i am beautiful and if i'm misunderstood, its only because i haven't told you what's on my mind. anyways, two things left to do this week, 1. the photo booth project 2. sending a package to Monticello by the end of the week. below are those very, very short films of my trip to Alaska back in 1999. how easy is using you tube. geez! here's to capturing MORE moments on video!

natty in Alaska with Stephen back in 1999, my laugh was with me then as it is now...

circa 1999


a town called Homer. |who's the dork| ;)


Anonymous said...

I'm going to do the postcard swap too! Sounds like so much fun! You're random bits of information are so delightful to read! I learn so much from you!

Much love,

natalie said...

***natty feels all toasty warm inside*** by your comment. makes me happy.
