24 May 2007

birthday fun

above photo: renner, tina and the natty. below video: grand opening of that new restaurant in the Roosevelt Building on Park and Salmon. good times, good times.

i had the best DAY OFF ever! i didn't get up until noon. i cleaned up my apartment, went for a walk with Jen on her lunch hour, got a free facial at ORIGINS and then wined and dined at the opening of pinocchio bar and restaurant. now, at home, i'm working on watching the rest of the movie the Machinist. i haven't been able to watch it all the way through because the main actor starved himself to play the role of a man who hasn't slept in a year causing him physical and mental health issues. at one point in the movie i just had to stop it and walk away. the guy is all skin and bones and nothing more. during the movie, the main actor |played by christian bale, hubba hubba|, would post to the wall his weight which fell to a gaunty 121. hmmmm, i wonder, is that what i looked like when i weighed 123 pounds. i will never, ever do that to myself again. xo


Anonymous said...

you took 500 pictures last night and posted 3....please send more.

Zone8 Knitter said...

I cannot do lunch today. I have to run an errand on my lunch so that wouldn't leave much time.

I got back to you on my blog regarding biking. I really want to do that loop so I need to get my bike in tomorrow.

I am going to dig it out of the basement tonight.

You are lucky to have today off!

see you soon.

natalie said...

who is the lovely hawt lady who would like more photos sent to her? hmmmmm... ;)