09 April 2007

i can hear laughter outside my window and its making me start to laugh. a girl and a guy are like laughing uncontrollably at one another. its funny! i have 3 more working days until jen and i leave for a 3 day weekend to Seattle. we've been once already and this time, we want to take our time and just stroll around. but if any of you reading this have any suggestions, please feel free to, yes, comment! on our list of things to do are: visit bainbridge island via the ferry and then the rest is just up to US. a mini-VACATION, finally... |my sister's painting pictured here, my mother is on the left hand side, back in the day|


Anonymous said...

That is one of my favorite pictures -- I'd like to see that drawing. Did you know that she won first place in an art contest and that she is going on to a State competition?


natalie said...

i did know this...but what i don't know is the drawing that won her first place.

i also should have asked her first before posting the photo. my bad ;)

live and learn...

Anonymous said...

The photographer had been taking pictures all day long and we had been going to many different places and at one time he did not like the clothes we were wearing, so we exchanged our out fits, i had been wearing a short yellow dress and Jose had a conservative red long outfit on, she was the working woman I still was student,
so I ended up wearing her outfit(old fashion) and Jose had my short yellow dress on. It was taken on Castle Genhous in Oud Valkenburg just before Valkenburg, you passed that place many times. And the photographer had the hots for Jose. We had fun doing the shoot.