08 February 2007

the rasta kitty

now this is a NONthrilled looking cat. they call me mellow yellow. idee fixe \ee-day-FEEKS\, noun: an idea that dominates the mind; a fixed idea; an obsession. the reality of obsession -- its incessant return to the same few themes, scenarios and questions; its meticulous examination and re-examination of banal minutiae for hidden meanings that simply aren't there; the cancerous way an idee fixe usurps other, more interesting thoughts -- is that it is confining, not rebellious, and not fascinating but maddeningly dull. -- laura miller, "the streetwalkers of san francisco", new york times. just a new word for the day.


Anonymous said...

Raven looks sooo cute. Makes me want to get a hat for my cat.

mijn gedachten said...

What an adorable picture Sir Raven.

natalie said...

he is King of His Castle

Anonymous said...

Any luck on apt. hunting?

natalie said...

yes, today. i have an appointment at Pacific Tower.

a building in the NW 4th, chinatown area. 16 floors total. apartment that is available: 11th floor. i hope it works out.

Anonymous said...

Atleast you would get a good work out walking the stairs.