12 November 2006

Today is all about the OPB

dropping knowledge go to my MYSPACE page and listen, just listen. a michele's hubby creation: josh breton. i'm watching OPB this morning while surfing the internet. its a beautiful thing. i don't have a whole heck a lot to write about this morning. i've noticed something about myself as of late though - i'm not interested in being in a relationship. i like being on my own and i can only spend so much time with an individual. its new to me because i've always been in a relationship up until a year ago or so and now, i like being alone. and i love science and instructions on a 1940s Face

so far today, i've gained some appreciation for mosiac art, chimpanzees and the unnecessary experiments run on them which brings to mind my days at the Center of Disease Control. not that i worked with monkeys but that a friend of mine (colleague) died while working at the yerke primates center right next door to the CDC. i found out about her death two years later by seeing her photo on the front of the atlanta constitution. can you imagine my reaction? the last OPB show is about the Gold rush. something already present in the Earth's crust and we prosper off of it. doesn't compute in my head.


Anonymous said...

Relationships suck. Oh, wait no they don't. They just take effort. Is there something you want to tell me? Are you sure your door is open?


natalie said...

its not something i'd discuss here.