06 October 2006

they always say you'll find true love in the frozen section of the grocery store. i never believed it until this friday night. it happened to me while on the hunt for the infamous chocolate lava cakes. i almost screamed as i felt a hand squeeze my butt. i whipped my head around to see the pervert i was about to confront. but instead found kristina with flowers in hand. awe. romantic in a non-pervert kinda way yet not what i was really going for either. we walked the aisles together looking for skim milk. she asked me to hold her flowers and then said out loud, do i go with the 1% or the 2%. and i couldn't help but say what in the world is the difference between the two? and on a sidenote, has anyone ever noticed that the cashiers at all of the natural organic stores are extremely hot compared to those kinda, yea um, about that the dorkier crowd at fred meyers' or safeway . what is with that? back to our little escapade thru the NW trader joe's store, kristina picks the one line that is of the same sex and i'm like whispering under my breath, kristina, NO, not that line, are you crazy... and without any room for error, kristina can't but be checked out my the nice lady cashier. i, on the other hand, was saved miracously by a great kristinia redemption save, by blurting out loud to the next cashier over, tylar was his name, hey natalie, he's open! i took hold of the moment and thought wow, this is it. of course, as i placed the items: a pack of chocolate lava cakes, a salami, and a bag of salt & pepper chips, we both (tylar and i) didn't know when to grab or let go of the food until i finally just let them rest on the counter. the silence was broken by me asking tylar, so have you tried the cakes, and he was like, they're rich... and i was like but are they good. as all of this is unfolding the world seems to have stopped and i had to wake up and walk out the door with kristina. and so now on my friday , for the last 2 hours, i've helped kristina hang up her curtains and watched her clean like an over caffinated drug crazed maniac only to exit out the door as we zoom off in her very cool saturn wagon with the largest thule box you've ever seen which could easily be mistaken for a coffin, dropping me off at my apartment (safe and sound, phew) and she is off to the aeroport to pick up her parents from chicago... over and out love to all!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a travesty in the world of blogging. Not one person commented on this blog?? When in it contains some of the finest formations of words into witty sentences ever!

"They always say you'll find true love in the frozen section of the grocery store.

"romantic in a non-pervert kinda way yet not what i was really going for either."

"do i go with the 1% or the 2%. and i couldn't help but say what in the world is the difference between the two?"

"watched her clean like an over caffinated drug crazed maniac..."

Your blog made me laugh at loud. You are quite the witty gal.

Leftcomic (Kevin)