22 September 2006

famous dutch proverb

zoals het klokje thuis tikt, tikt het nergena,
translates to as the clock ticks at home,
it never ticks anywhere else

me and my new red chair

reminder: october 29, 2006
at my brand, new apartment
starting at 2:00 PM
bring yourself and a friend
i moved (1) building over
too much time spent on the internet
can isolate the best of us.


Anonymous said...

nice chair

Anonymous said...

That's funny -- my first outdoor gathering is going to be October 29, 2006, at 3 p.m. EST. We'll having dueling coastal parties. I think the chair is nice too. Did I tell you about the two new feline additions? Names: Zitoon (black olive) and Pfefferminz (peppermint).