18 July 2006

the word on the streets is ONWARD

i found this saying and it hangs in my bedroom -- we all need the reminder

i would only be kidding myself if i told you things have been easy up until now. but if anything, i regret nothing and i am no longer bothered by the headaches of everyday life – and that is a step in the right direction. i have my moments as i suppose everyone does but i feel different these days – i feel alive. i’m like a Paul Bunyan. i am taller than the average woman and my super human skills give me the strength to see the difference between right and wrong. i am the mastermind of my own kismet. and of course don't take any crap from anyone! those that think they 'know it all' are in the end worse off because they honestly are so clueless as to how destructive they have become. they end up making the same mistakes over and over again. when you don't have a few good answers, how lost one must feel? so enough of my cathartism repartee, i watched the movie ‘lost in translation’ last night. that whole idea of whose path will you cross and how will it effect you? we are always in need of a resurgence of life’s possibilities. then again, i’ve always considered that growing pains and take life as it comes – you only become more informed as you bump into people. no one changes you…

so things that will stay for me forever are:

 the day i ‘accidently’ watched my sister (and her bike) plow into a chicken coup.
 the day i visited the most northern part of holland with my mother & sister and after some tasty fresh off the docks prepared fish i developed the worse case of hiccups ever!
 seeing my father’s head pull out of a sunroof to a limo as i was leaving my college dorm.

 the sticky note left on my door during my last visit home by jas. it said 'hi' on it.
 the note written by my father in a package sent to oregon: we miss and love you - mom and papa. [it hangs on my fridge like a trophy]
 the waking up to thunder when it was actually coming from an iceberg washing up and onto the shore. like right here, i physically walked here - growler island.
 the walk(s) with my mother, father and sister through the fields of holland adorned by red poppies.
 the rash that developed after a 4 hour hike through forest park.

these are but a few… this is WHY i keep a blog now. to remember it all
so... who wants to bridge pedal with me? sunday, august 13th


Anonymous said...

Paul Bunyan... I like that.

Anonymous said...

Commenting . . . commenting. So I love reading your blog -- it's fun to keep up with you, and it serves as a perfect tool for procrastination during the long stretches of mid-afternoon work.