30 July 2006

i ain't animadverted [nat's double entendre]

i'm NOT touching my last entry today - fear of a picturetrail.com debacule...but i'm totally diggin' the run lola run photo - and btw, megan thinks about Halloween all year long. when you click on the pink wig photo, it takes you to www.knitty.com - knitting unleashed, i must calm down. check out the roller skate skirt. the girl who designed the skirt works as an assistant curator at the National Museum of Roller Skating. eh? at the bottom of each pattern, it gives a bio on each designer. mine would be - likes to make food dishes and serve them like they were a piece of artwork. [i'll think of a better one for later]. but to quickly recap my saturday - take I-5 to 99W. turn right on 9th street turns into worden hill road. from 99W take another right onto breyman orchards road where [we] found the perfect hideaway. the visual of jen's arm dangling like an elephant's trunk is now a permanent fixture in my head, aka reminder, of first trip (of many) to wine country. and can you imagine three girls singing the song 'brass in pocket' by the pretenders very loudly, sing with me

gonna use my arms
gonna use my legs
gonna use my style
gonna use my sidestep
gonna use my fingers
gonna use my, my, my imagination

coz I, gonna make you see
there's nobody else here
no one like me
i'm special, so special
i gotta have some of your attention
give it to me


Anonymous said...

Nice pots from yesterday. I need some more pots. I just set up an outdoor potting area, and I'm about to get my raised beds in line. It's fun decorating, and I sure could use your help. Coast was nice . . . but it's nice to be home. First night in real bedroom.


natalie said...

i purchased (1) yellow pot & i'm not good with plants. when i do have a plant - indoors - it stays for a while. i thought you were all about keeping yourself under the radar... ;) nat

Unknown said...

Emily Dust Nimsakont from Lincoln, Nebraska once told me that she felt the biggest difference between men and woman was fear. I don't know how I felt about that when she said it, but looking back, I'd wonder. Maybe that's just one of those things we'll never truly understand. Or maybe it isn't. But then again....maybe it is. maybe it is.